New Life Sunday – Madness…

March Madness…or shall I say, March Maddening?
If you are a Missouri fan…and this just in…Duke fans, you may want to make sure you read this one all the way to the bottom. 98.8% of people filling out brackets on Yahoo (several million) predicted that the Tigers would win in the first round.
In case you haven’t heard, they were beaten by Norfolk State…or something like that =).
Now if you are a KU fan, and have begun to take a bit of enjoyment from the MU upset, I have one word… “Bucknell.” I understand it was a 14 v. 3 seed, but remember how that felt a few years ago and have a little mercy. And if you are a Mizzou fan, consider how I feel as a Minnesota Gophers fan….nuff said.
So, how do you think it feels if you happen to be a Norfolk State fan? I am thinking it feels amazing…especially if you are looking for cheap tickets for the game Saturday.
When it comes to basketball games and other trivial matters, we don’t seem to have a difficult time planning ahead. At times, we may even risk time and money under the assumption that our team will make it to the next game.
So why is it so difficult for us to plan ahead when it comes to our spiritual life?
It seems that too often when it comes to our eternal future, we struggle with taking even simple steps of faith.
This Sunday we are going to study from Revelation 19 and be challenged to worship God for what He will do, before He has done it.
Simply put, we should plan the party now for what He will do in the future.
And with this party, there will be no upsets!
Brag on God Topic: Attributes of God that come to mind as a result of the study of Revelation.

New Life Sunday – RIP Jeans

Imagine life without your:
-Cell phone
-Favorite pair of jeans
-Ice Cream
-Favorite sweats
Not cool!
Earlier I was thinking about my absolute favorite pair of jeans. They fit perfect and have aged well in every place but the knees. I stopped wearing them several months ago, but refuse to throw them away.
I wish I could use them as shorts, but for some reason a 35 year old guy with white legs in cut offs is a bit disturbing.
Much to Leigh-Ann’s chagrin, I have dedicated a place for them on the shelf. Every time I see them, I get a bit nostalgic, silently wishing that things were as they used to be before the large hole developed around my knee.
Although they are retired, there is something in me that refuses to let those jeans go. It is pretty easy to allow ourselves to become attached to things in our personal lives.
Our text for this week is Revelation 18 and it starts off by telling us that Babylon is fallen. The world system will be destroyed…including my jeans, cell phone and Rocky Road ice cream.
As we follow the contour of the chapter we will be faced with a reality check, a view of separation anxiety and a new normal. This is all a part of the journey for Christians that ends with perfect justice and fulfillment in a new Heaven and a new earth.
I hope you can join in the study and worship…and feel free to wear your favorite jeans.
