Thank God for the DMV…

Yesterday I had the distinct privilege of visiting the Department of Motor Vehicles. Of all the things on my to do list for the day…my visit to the DMV was at the bottom.

I’m not sure what it is…the mass of humanity piled into a small, bland room with banged up furniture …or…the high level of emotions as people seem to pin their hopes on a successful visit …or…the employees who are literally worn out from dealing with people…

I have no doubt that optimism goes to the DMV to die!!!

So, no surprise that I had my share of drama while attempting to simply register my vehicle. The line was slow and due to an incredibly small mistake on the title, I was sent away without new tags.


As I sat down to resume my sermon study on gratitude, I realized that my gratitude gauge was on empty.

But there is good news…

After spending an afternoon in Psalm 103, my attitude completely changed. Not saying that I’m looking forward to my second attempt at the DMV on Monday…but I have been reminded that in spite of potential negativity around me, there is an incredible amount of things and people for which to be thankful.

This Sunday, I sure hope you can make it out for the service at 10:45am. We will study from PSalm 103 and I’m pretty sure you will be reminded of God’s goodness and you will be moved to bless him.

Hope you have a great weekend!



A few weeks ago, I was in a car accident.

It happened so fast that I vaguely recall noticing a car out of the corner of my eye….as I approached the intersection I looked to my left and it was clear. I looked to my right and….BOOM!

In an instant, I saw the car, attempted to swerve, heard a very loud noise and remember spinning. I came to a stop about half a block away after a complete 360.

It all happened in just a few seconds…and two weeks later, I am still dealing with the ramifications.


Fortunately for me, the other driver admitted to running the stop sign without even attempting to stop. Fortunately, I have good insurance that covers it (he has insurance coverage issues), so I received a rental car and a cash settlement for my totaled car.

Since the accident I have been on the phone with insurance adjusters, rental car specialists, a tow company and a lot of people selling used cars.

Ultimately one oversight by one driver at the wrong time and  not only does my life flash before my eyes, I get several more boxes added to my to do list.

This past week, millions of people went to the voting booth to decide on our next Commander in Chief…and whether you like it or not, those effect of those decisions will be felt for years to come.

This Sunday we are finishing out our series on relationships from Romans 13. I am looking forward to sharing a sermon regarding our relationship with our next President. I am pretty sure that when we take an honest look at Scripture we will experience hope and be encouraged.

If you get some time, I suggest you read through Romans 13 and make sure you plan to join our New Life family for services at 10:45am…just make sure you look both ways when crossing the street :).


Announcement: This Sunday is Orphan Sunday and we will have a light breakfast to go with the coffee. Any donations will be used to help orphans.

Tomatoes and Timing…

A few days ago I received a phone call from our neighbor. He told me that he had been out for lunch at a restaurant in the West Bottoms and everything was great…except they didn’t have any tomatoes for their sandwiches. After asking management he found out that there is a shortage of tomatoes in KC.

Imagine that!

In fact, they had searched suppliers and grocers across the city for tomatoes and came up completely empty.

The only place they hadn’t looked is at the Campbell Urban Farm (i.e. a small garden in our backyard, downtown KC with more tomatoes still growing than we can handle). Since we had offered tomatoes to our neighbor, he called to ask if the kids would want to pick a box of tomatoes and then he would bring them to the restaurant the next day and sell them for us.


I told the kids and they were on it. Since it was dark when we arrived home, they pulled out the flashlights and went to work. I wouldn’t have guessed that ten pounds of tomatoes would earn $40…and we weren’t even trying. Plus we have the pride of knowing that we are putting smiles on people’s faces while they eat their sandwiches complete with tomatoes from our makeshift garden.

We stumbled upon some great timing for ripe tomatoes. Thanks to beautiful warm weather and procrastination, we have a full harvest of tomatoes long after many others are done growing.

When it comes to earning $4 a pound for homegrown tomatoes, timing is everything.

When it comes to getting serious about our Christian life, timing is also everything. This Sunday, Pastor Dave will share a sermon from Romans 13:11-14  entitled, “Wake up – The day has dawned.”

So much is at stake…I hope you can join us for service on Sunday at 10:45am.

Have a great weekend…and if you are fortunate enough to have a tomato on your sandwich, consider yourself fortunate :).
