New Digs…

This past week has been a whirlwind of activity at the New Life office. It’s almost like watching a team of caffeinated beavers (side note: we also have a new coffee maker) on a mission to turn the place into a Pinterest-worthy paradise.

As you can see, Pastor Anthony’s been spotted with his Bible open, looking like the epitome of devotion. But let’s not be fooled; behind that serene facade lies a man deeply entrenched in March Madness mania 😊. It’s like he’s conducting a covert operation to keep one eye on the Scriptures and the other on the scores 🙂.

Now, Pastor Jeff, bless his heart, has strategically positioned himself with his back to the TV, as if to physically resist the temptation of buzzer beaters and upsets.

Meanwhile, Eileen, Diana, and John are working hard to ensure we are ready for Palm Sunday and Easter. They may not even know the rest of us are watching the games.

But hey, amidst all the chaos and laughter, we’re genuinely excited about our spruced-up space. And even though we are still in the middle of the project, we hope you are able to walk through the gallery and look at the updates for yourself on Sunday.

Of course, not everyone may be on board with the decor choices—there’s always that one person who thinks beige is too bold—but hey, beauty is in the eye of the beholder, right? Some might even question part of the design or the finish and that criticism might sting.

However, there is a big difference between criticizing an office space and criticizing a person.

Have you felt the sting of personal criticism recently?

I’m sure each of us has been criticized and if we are honest, this personal criticism can create lifelong wounds. Of all the criticisms that have been launched in the history of humanity, the mocking of Jesus might be the most severe.

This Sunday, we are celebrating Palm Sunday, the day when Jesus walked into Jerusalem to the tune of “Hosanna.” However, only a few days later, Jesus was dragged into court to the tune of “Crucify Him.”

The soldiers, priests, and crowds spewed out anger and hatred, hurling insults…And Jesus responded with quiet patience, courage, and love.

Our study from Matthew 27:27-44 will remind us of the sacrifice Jesus made for each person, it will also teach us how we can respond to criticism when we face it in our everyday life.

And the only response that stands up to criticism is love. I can’t wait to share more, but you have to come Sunday at 8:00, 9:15 (Full KidCity available), or 10:45 am (Full KidCity available), or you can watch the Livestream on YouTube (Like and Subscribe) or Facebook at 9:15 am. Additionally, we are also publishing our sermons on Spotify.

Now, back to the pain of my busted bracket 😊. See you soon,

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